Becoming Beacons of Light

By Gretchen Krivoshia

It has always been the time to cultivate loving kindness but given the turmoil in our world, it is needed now more than ever. We need to do what we can to increase compassion and caring – for ourselves and others – to become the beacons of light that we are capable of being.

Back in the 90s, I had a lucid dream in which I saw a purple business card with only the name Jack Kornfield printed on it. I did not know who he was at the time and there was no easy access through the internet for finding out, but I did discover one of his books in a bookstore. From it I learned he was a former Buddhist monk and meditation teacher. I followed him peripherally for years but never took a class with him or pursued his teachings since there were other options right in front of me that offered an opportunity for expanding consciousness and cultivating loving kindness.

Recently, I watched a video interview with Jack Kornfield produced by Sounds True. To paraphrase what he said: “We are not our bodies, our thoughts, or our emotions. We are Loving Awareness.”

He had not said anything that was new to me, but it was resonant in a new way.
His gentle manner, presence, and kind heart were apparent and those words, so simple, have stayed with me. This reawakened the memory of that purple card I had dreamt about over 25 years ago. It is never too late to follow the intuitive messages and guidance that we receive. I had the awareness that now is the time for me to explore his teachings in greater depth, remembering what I’d been shown long ago.

The words that have stuck with me are,
“We are Loving Awareness.
Since we are Loving Awareness, wouldn’t our most important task as humans be to cultivate, expand, and send forth loving kindness with each breath we take and each connection we make? I made an agreement with myself to be that beacon of light, whatever it might look like, however big or small. I asked myself, “How can I, from my little corner of existence make a difference in the vast unsettledness of this planet?”

One of the ways I have chosen to do this is when I watch the news. It is important for me to know what is going on in the world and I have made doing so part of my practice. A wise friend guided me in how to face what is going on without becoming part of it. It is difficult to see the turmoil and hear stories of hardship because I can feel people’s suffering and sadness inside of me. But I have learned to use that felt sense to connect with those who are experiencing that hardship and send them love and compassion from my heart. Then, from there I send love out into the field of energies that encircles the world like a grid, love for all beings in need of extra care and compassion. I do so without knowing exactly where it goes – but that does not really matter to me.

The act of doing this helps me to be a kinder, more loving, compassionate human being during my time on this planet and I believe it helps others along the way too.

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Gretchen is a semi-retired nurse living in unincorporated Boulder County, Colorado. She is a long-time didgeridoo player using it as a tool for meditation and sound-healing for self and others. For the past 30 years she has been a student and explorer of consciousness, energy medicine, and meditation knowing that each day is an opportunity for continued learning and growth, deeper connection and awareness.

As Gretchen says, we can each become a beacon and join with others in adding to the light around the world.
I recently read a really fine best-seller – The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck.
She included this well-known quote by Margaret Mead –
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Martha Beck added –
“Groups committed to truth and compassion become patches of translucency, even transparency. As this process continues, it is conceivable that humanity as a whole might some day reach the tipping point of enlightenment.“  

The image that accompanies this post is by Johan Framhout – LIGHT BEACON

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4 Comments Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    A wonderful and hope-based message in these time of uncertantly. Thanks so much Gretchen.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Your message of being the light in practical ways like prayer for those in need, and daily loving kindness feels so good!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Gretchen! A wonderful article with beautiful reminders to help us align with our loving awareness. Brings to mind the song” Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dear Gretchen,
    Thank you for sharing your practice of sending loving awareness all around the world every day. It’s something helpful we can do that is at least as effective as sending money.

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